Thought of the Day May 10, 2024 Easter: I am the life
“I am the Life.” What
does Jesus mean. He, as God, is life itself, as the I Am, who is, who was and
who will be. He is the very source of all life, as Creator. “In him we live and
move and have our being.” Through creation, Jesus gives us physical life, and
sustains us in existence. Through his death and resurrection, he has given us a
share in his own eternal life. On our part how are we taking care of the gift
of human life? How are we responding to the shared gift of his Divine Life? Sin
effects our physical life, but more especially our spiritual life. For this is
God’s desire for us. “He has predestined us to adoption as sons (and daughters)
through Jesus Christ, in himself, according to the purpose of his will, for the
praise of the glory of his grace, with which he has gifted us in his beloved
Son.” (Ephesians 1:5-6) Do we desire the same?