Thought of the Day July 23, 2024 Charity not vengeance

By 9:48 AM


“The source of justice is not vengeance but charity.” St. Bridget of Sweden


What we call justice sometimes is a guise for vengeance. It is a trap of the devil to make us feel powerful and haughty. Even then, when we have our vengeance, we will not be satisfied. Why? The evil is not only in the perpetrator but also in us, where there is festering anger and non-forgiveness. God shows us mercy and love when we sin against him countless times. He has become our justice by giving his life for our salvation. He calls us to forgive the offender and to show the person the same love and mercy that we have received from God. Justice belongs to God. The offender and we are both sinners, deserving punishment in justice, but instead receive love and mercy. Remove vengeance from the heart, so that when we stand before the judgment throne of God, he will not exact vengeance on us.

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