Thought of the Day August 16, 2024 Fidelity in little things.

By 10:37 AM


 “Fidelity in little things must be the basic rule in striving for holiness,” St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (1838-1862)

If I cannot be faithful and obedient in the little things asked of me, how can I be faithful in bigger things? The building blocks of holiness is laid in the fidelity to God’s will in each thing that is expected of me. That thing of the moment is God’s will for me in the moment. Do it well out of love for God, then God will be able to entrust bigger things for us to do. The servant who buried his Master’s talent proved he was unworthy of anything more important. When I am faithful in little things, then I am saying that everything is important in the eyes and service of God. God is found more in the ordinary than in the spectacular.

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