Thought of the Day August 26 2024 An obstinate heart

By 9:56 AM


“No one was ever lost because his sin was too great, but because his trust was too small.” Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos 


God is rich in mercy and forgiveness, when it comes to the sins of humanity. Jesus through his death on the cross forgave all sin. Therefore, there is no sin God will not forgive, if there is true repentance and openness to his grace. When Jesus talks about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the issue is not the sin itself, but the sinner not believing and trusting in the mercy of God. The greater sin is that, even with the grace given by God to enable repentance, the person obstinately refuses the grace and chooses self-condemnation. Pray for the grace to have a receptive heart to the mercy of God.


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