Thought of the Day August 6, 2024 Two roads

By 10:04 AM


“Man's value before God is estimated by the dispositions of his heart, its uprightness, its good will, its charity, and not by keenness of intellect or extent of knowledge.” Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich 


What the world sees and honors is not what God sees and honors. The world judges by the standard of material possession and outstanding, human accomplishments. God judges by one’s relationship with his Creator and Redeemer, that is rooted in love. The world’s light shines on the broad road that leads to eventual, eternal destruction. God’s grace points and enlightens the narrow road that leads to eternal salvation. The wide road is littered with alluring bait, seducing the travelers to consume but never  be fully satisfied. The narrow road has oases where life-giving bread and drink are offered on the way. What road do we choose?

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