Thought of the Day August 9, 2024 Let go

By 1:36 PM


“Let go of your plans." St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (1891-1942)


Can we trust God’s love for us to let go of our plans and accept and act on his plans? Wasn’t this the call of each of the disciples? Jesus invites us to let go our expectations in life, so that his plans may begin to form us into our full potential. This is the path to holiness. Following him no matter where he leads us. In his humanity Jesus did not want to embrace the suffering of the cross. In his love of the Father, he embraced the will of God, even when it meant his suffering and death by crucifixion. We don’t know all that God will ask of us on the journey of surrender to him, but we do know in faith that he will lead us to the Father, our ultimate destination. Not my will but yours be done.

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