Thought of the Day September 11, 2024 The fire of love

By 10:07 AM

“It is our vocation to set people’s hearts ablaze, to do what the Son of God did, who came to light a fire on earth in order to set it ablaze with His love.” Frédéric Ozanam (1813-1853)


Do you see this as your calling in your state of life? This was the conviction of the Saints, no matter their walk of life, to be witnesses of God’s love in a world lacking this fire. A person’s life may be routine and aimless until they fall in love with another person, then they can’t contain themselves. Their life has new purpose. If this is true on a natural level, how much more true is it on the most important level, our eternal destiny. A person’ faith life may be still a seed that has not borne fruit. But, when they have a transforming encounter with the One who planted the seed in the first place, the power of love brings forth new fruit. But this love cannot be contained. Of its nature it needs to be given away. This spark of love, through witnessing to other becomes a roaring fire, spreading from one person to another. All because love made the difference.

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