Thought of the Day September 18, 2024 The gift of the will

By 9:58 AM


Clearly, what God wants, above all, is our will, which we received as a free gift from God in creation and possess as though our own. When a man trains himself to acts of virtue, it is with the help of grace from God, from whom all good things come …The will is what man has, as his unique possession.” St Joseph of Cupertino 


The human will is a blessing from God when we use it to glorify and unite our wills to that of God. The human will is the source of our downfall, when we use it in opposition to God’s will for us. The human will chooses with the help of grace the road of life it will follow: God’s way or self-way. Adam and Eve chose the latter. If relationship with God is important to me, if I desire more than anything else to be with God eternally, then I will choose the Way of the Lord. God wills our eternal good. He gives us the freedom to will the same or something else. The gift of the will is good. How I use it determines the consequences.

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