Thought of the Day September 2, 2024 He is the Master Builder

By 10:42 AM



“I calmly do what I can, the rest is done by the Lord, who can do everything. With his help everything is light and smooth, because we serve a good master.”  Blessed Francisco Gárate Aranguren, SJ 


Unfortunately, many feel they have to do everything, rather than only what they can. Why? Is to prove themselves? Is it that they don’t trust that God really cares? Whatever the reason their task becomes a burden to accomplish alone. They may feel overwhelmed. They failed to realize they are not starting from scratch, but with something given already by God. He gives us opportunities to serve with him in the perfection of his creation, as an apprentice under the Master. Once we realize this relationship, our task will be easy and our burden light, for all is in his hands, for his purpose.


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