Thought of the Day September 6 2024 Dismiss anxieties

By 10:19 AM



“When you feel restless, sad, sorrowful and embittered, look for the cause, and if it is not worth being sorry about (and nothing that does not offend God is worth being sorry about), get rid of your anxiety; if you do not see the causes but feel restless and dissatisfied all the same, put up with it, arm yourself with patience, let the storm pass, and your inner peace will return.” Blessed Francisco Palau y Quer 


These feelings and emotions are part of the human journey. What we do with them or allow them to do to us is the issue. If these feelings come from sin on our part, then repent of the sin and return to the Lord. If they come from circumstances of life, which we have no control of, entrust oneself into the hands of the Lord, sharing in his passion. Turn the focus from ourselves to the Lord, who alone can make lemonade out of lemons. The peace that we desire during these times comes from our relationship with the Lord.

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