Thought of the Day October 1, 2024 Don't run away

By 10:23 AM


"I want to try to make you understand, by a very simple comparison, how much Jesus loves those souls, even imperfect ones, who entrust themselves to Him. Imagine that a father has two children who have been naughty and disobedient; and that when he comes to punish them, he sees one who trembles and runs away from him in terror, knowing in his heart that he deserves to be punished; and that his brother, instead, throws himself into his father’s arms, telling him that he’s sorry he has displeased him, he loves him, and to prove it he will be good from now on. Now i that child asks his father to punish him with a kiss, I believe that the happy father’s heart will not be able to resist his son’s filial trust, since he knows his sincerity and love. Yet he also knows that his son will fall into the same faults again, but he is always ready to forgive him if his son always appeals to his heart." St Terese of Lisieux (1873-1897)

We make something easy very difficult. No matter what we do, the Father will never stop loving us. We can’t earn his love, but we can trust in his love. While we don’t deserve his love, he desires to give it to us freely, if we open ourselves to it. It takes less energy to yield to God’s love than to run away from it. And yet what do we do at times?

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