Thought of the Day October 14, 2024 Sour into sweet

By 10:15 AM


 “Prayer is difficult because it is opposed by our old self. It is also difficult because the evil one resists a praying man with all his might. To the devil, prayer is the foretaste of death, though of course he is already dead spiritually. However, prayer strikes him again, and that is why he resists it in every way. Even saints find prayer difficult at times, even though you’d think that they would only be comforted by it. Indeed, prayer brings with it a great comfort, not only to a righteous person, but also to a sinner.” St.Barsanuphaius of Optina (+545)


The distractions in prayer can be from the devil. He doesn’t want us to be in communication with God or to be in God’s presence. He attacks us not directly but through our imagination and senses. What we have to do is take the darts he flings at us and turn them as gifts to God. In other words, transform the distractions into prayer, focusing our thoughts not away from God but totally to God and for God. Holiness is not a freedom from distractions. It is a life of knowing how to turn something sour into something sweet and pleasing to the Lord. If you struggle with this, know that you are in good company with the Saints.

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