Thought of the Day December 11, 2024 God's promises

By 9:54 AM

 "God, who is faithful, put himself in our debt, not by receiving anything but by promising so much....He promised eternal salvation, everlasting happiness with the angels, an immortal inheritance, endless glory, the joyful vision of his face, his holy dwelling in heaven, and after resurrection from the dead no further fear of dying., This is as it were his final promise, the goal of all our striving. When we reach it, we shall ask for nothing more." (St. Augustine)

How great is our God! We deserve none of these promises. They are beyond our reach on our own. But out of his abundant, unconditional love, God wanted more for us than mere human existence. He wanted us to experience and share in his own divine life and glory. Even when we sinned, he would not allow that to be a lasting bearer, unless that is our last choice of will. Knowing these graced promises, how should we respond? Surrender ourselves into the plan and will of God. He loves us and waits for our love gift by which we acknowledge his promises and choose to receive them from his hands. We allow him to transform us without any resistance, step by step, until the promises are fulfilled. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

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