Thought of the Day December 6, 2024 Time with the Lord
"Insignificant man, escape from your everyday business for a short while, hide for a moment from your restless thoughts. Break off from your cares and troubles and be less concerned about your tasks and labors. Make a little time for God and rest a while in him." (St. Anselm)
Even in our business and in the complications of our daily life, we need to take time to seek the Lord. If we hope to spend eternity with God, how can that be unless we learn to spend time with him in this life. Even though our daily tasks are important, will they matter in the end? What will God ask of us when our time to depart from this life comes? Who was I to you? Did you seek me? Did you spend time with me? If I was not that important to you then, why should you be important to me now? Spending time with the Lord now is not a luxury, but a necessity, not an option, but a priority.