Homily Second Sunday Year C First of the signs

By 10:19 AM


Homily Second Sunday Year C

Reading 1:

It its initial application the prophet is telling the people in exile that God is about to restore them to a renewed relationship. He will do this to manifest his glory


It its main application the prophet reveals almost 700 years before it happens that he will send a Messiah to restore them and us from our captivity of sin. In spite of the infidelity of the people of Israel and our infidelity, God promises to protect and save us. He has not abandoned us nor will he ever do so. It is a message of hope and restoration.


He shows his glory by revealing his great love for us. He will give us a new name, his “delight” and his “espoused.” We will no longer be “forsaken” and “desolate”. He refers to himself as a “builder” because God desires to re-build and restore his initial relationship with us lost by the sin of Adam and Eve.


Reading 2:

Not only does God delight in us, but he also empowers us for ministry. He lavishly pours upon us, as he did upon Jesus after his baptism in the Jordan, the anointing gifts of the Holy Spirit. Like Jesus, he gives us all the gifts we need to do the work of God.


What is this work? To manifest that God loves us and delights in us. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given. What should our response be? We are called to become aware of the Spirit’s lead and to act on that lead in the gifts and power of the Spirit so that the work of God may be accomplished. These gifts are to be used in a complete self-giving way. These gifts are given to build up the kingdom of God by ministering to others.


Unfortunately, these gifts of the Spirit remain dormant in us for many years until we stir them into flame, as Paul says, and use them for the purpose designed by God.


Jesus is aware that the Father delights in him as the Father affirmed this after Jesus’ baptism. Jesus is aware that the Father gave him a fresh outpouring of the gifts of the Spirit. Jesus, as a result, follows the lead of the Spirit. Jesus goes forth to manifest the glory of God and the love of God. He does this initially through the miracle of water becoming wine.


Mary’s intercession on behalf of the married couple confirmed for Jesus what the Spirit was saying within him. Underlying Jesus’ response to Mary was his conviction of doing this because the Father desired it.


He mentioned that his hour had not come. But he knows that by performing his miracle—first sign—he will be manifesting the glory of God in anticipation of the ultimate sign of the Father’s glory, his death and resurrection.


Mary was led by the Spirit. There is a cooperation of others in this miracle. The servants had to choose to follow the directions of Jesus, showing the human participation in the work of God. They had to provide the water and do what they were told, even if they did not understand.


We are the delight of the Lord by God’s choice not because of anything we have done. God pours out his Spirit upon us because of God’s choice. God will lead us to do the work of the Kingdom. It is our choice to be attentive to the lead of the Spirit and act on the word of God. Mary’s admonition to the servants prepared them to experience the miracle. We too are admonished to do whatever he tells us to do. But when we do, we too will see the glory of God revealed in and through us.

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