Thought of the Day January 2, 2025 Good fruit
“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.” St. Basil
The development of virtues rather than
vices is important for our spiritual journey. This development must be
intentional, if it is to bear the good fruit Jesus talks about in the Gospel.
He gives us many examples of these virtues in the Gospel. All are rooted in the
encompassing virtue of love as St. Paul tells us in his First Letter to the
Corinthians. (12:4-8). It is easy for us to coast through life, living in a
superficial relationship with God. But in the end what do we have to show for
it. But if we strive with the grace of God to put on the mind of Christ,
seeking what is good, pleasing and perfect, then the fruit of our personal tree
will bear rich fruit on the day of judgment.