Thought of the Day January 23, 2025 Hope is a task

By 10:33 AM

 Hope is also a task that Christians have a duty to cultivate and put to good use for the sake of all their brothers and sisters. The task is to remain faithful to the gift received, as rightly pointed out by Madeleine Delbrêl, a 20th-century French woman who was able to bring the Gospel to the geographical and existential peripheries of mid-century Paris, marked by de-Christianization. Madeleine Delbrêl wrote: “The place that Christian hope assigns us is that narrow ridge, that borderline at which our vocation requires that we choose, every day and every hour, to be faithful to God’s faithfulness to us”. God is faithful to us; our task is to respond to this faithfulness. But take care: it is not we who generate this faithfulness; it is a gift from God that works in us if we allow ourselves to be molded by His power of love, the Holy Spirit Who acts as a breath of inspiration in our hearts. It is up to us, then, to invoke this gift: “Lord, grant me to be faithful to you in hope!” Pope Francis

God is always faithful to us. His very nature will not allow him to do otherwise. He is faithful to us, even when we are unfaithful. If our hope is in the faithful promises of God and in their fulfillment, then our life is to be a witness of this hope to others. In the admonition of St. Peter: "Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope,  but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear." (1 Peter 3:15-16) If the reason of our hope is the promises of God, then our life should always be a sign of this hope to others, especially in difficult times.

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