Thought of the Day January 28, 2025 See with the eyes of Jesus

By 10:44 AM

Let us take a look at our world from a distance, not from the physical distance of a plane or space vehicle, but from the spiritual distance of our faith. Let us look at ourselves, at our humanity, from above and with the eyes of God. Jesus always looked at the human condition from above and tried to teach us to look as he did. “I come from above,” he said, “and I want you to be reborn from above so that you will be able to see with new eyes.”  Henri Nouwen

What does it mean to see with the eyes of Jesus? How did Jesus see the people of his day? He saw them as sheep without a shepherd, hungering for the truth that would set them free. He saw beyond the physical, seeing the faith of those who sought his assistance. He saw with compassions and mercy those who were seen as sinners. He saw with a heart of love those who were in need of acceptance and meaning. Do we try to have the eyes of Jesus in our relationships with others whom God sends to us? When we see with the eyes of Jesus we begin to see how God sees the other and what God wants us to do for the other. Pray for this gift and act on it when it comes, as it will come.

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