Thought of the Day January 29, 2025 Deeper knowledge

By 10:18 AM

 Jesus doesn't say, “Come into my world.” He doesn't say, “Come, I will change you.” He doesn't say, “Become my disciples,” “Listen to me,” “Do what I tell you,” “Take up your cross.” No. He says, “Come and see. Look around. Get to know me.” That is the invitation. Henri Nouwen

It sounds so simple but it is so profound at the same time. How can we follow and commit ourselves to another person without first coming to know them. If all we know is about another, we don't really personally know that person. In marriage, a person has to truly get to know the other before committing themselves to a life-long covenant. This means spending quality time with the other to know beyond the surface. Jesus invites us to spend quality time with him to get to know him as he is and not just on the surface. It is then we can truly commit ourselves to him as a disciple, desiring to have a deeper relationship with him. 

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