Thought of the Day February 28, 2025 Embrace his mercy
This, then, is the third call to conversion: a call to hope, to trust in God and his great promise of eternal life. Let us ask ourselves: Am I convinced that the Lord forgives my sins? Or do I act as if I can save myself? Do I long for salvation and call upon God’s help to attain it? Do I concretely experience the hope that enables me to interpret the events of history and inspires in me a commitment to justice and fraternity, to care for our common home and in such a way that no one feels excluded? Pope Francis
As we prepare for the annual journey of Lent to celebration of the Paschal mysteries, we are called to uproot sin in our lives. Once we repent of sin and ask forgiveness, then in faith we believe that we have been freed. But sometimes people act as if they have to do something to be free and not receive the unmerited grace from God. We are called to remember our sins, not as if they are unforgiven and there is more we need to do, but to give praise and thanksgiving to God for his loving mercy. One of the traps of the Devil is to convince us that we have to earn salvation, we have to earn God's love, we have to placate an angry God. This is all a lie. Salvation is a gift. Love is a gift. Our God is a loving God, who loves us no matter what. Yes, he is a God of justice and mercy. Embrace his mercy and love, then his justice will be rewarding rather than condemning.